
Notice Concerning Shimabuku's Opening the Door

A ticket for the Kobe Biennale's Guest Artists Exhibition: "LINK - Flexible Deviation" is required to view this work.

As the work is being shown in a space that is not normally used for exhibitions, to ensure visitors' safety, only ten people will be allowed inside at one time for a maximum of 15 minutes.

If you would like to view the work, please enter the tent, read the safety precautions, fill out the application form, and wait in line until one of our staff calls you at the appointed time.

Entry begins at 10:40 and continues every 20 minutes thereafter until 17:00. (Please leave the exhibition area within 15 minutes to avoid inconveniencing other viewers.)

Children under the age of five are prohibited. Those under 12 must be accompanied by a parent.
Do not photograph the inside.

In bad weather conditions or for any reason, the work may be closed without prior notice.

― Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art